An analysis of 600,000 drinkers found that drinking five to 10 alcoholic drinks a week was likely to shorten a person's life by up to six months.每周和10个单位就会减寿六个月
This increases with higher alcohol consumption, with those who have 18 drinks or more losing up to five years of life.
Experts said it challenged the idea that light drinking was good for us. 超过18个单位可能减寿五年
Your guide to alcohol drinking limits
Alcohol limits cut to reduce risks
Scientists, who compared the health and drinking habits of alcohol drinkers in 19 countries, calculated how much life a person could expect to lose if they drank the same way for the rest of their lives from the age of 40.对40岁以上的人研究分析
They found the upper safe limit of drinking before there was an increased risk of death was around 12.5 units a week - the equivalent of about five pints of beer or five 175ml glasses of above-average strength wine. 安全临界点是一周喝12.5个单位,相当于五杯175ml的红酒或者5品脱啤酒。
But they said drinking at all levels increased the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.但研究又说随便喝多少都有导致心血管病的风险
For every 12.5 units of alcohol people drank a week it raised the risk of:一周喝12.5单位酒精的人患病风险增加比例
Stroke by 14% 中风
Fatal hypertensive disease by 24% 致命高血压
Heart failure by 9% 心衰
Fatal aortic aneurysm by 15% 致命主动脉瘤
九妹表示生死由命 震天说吓呆了赶紧撸一管压压精 LIDY说雷在港什么 喊叫lidy喝最多,酒肉第二,哥第三,天总负责拍保龄球很安全。 靠,成天干坐着喘气最安全,喘气一百年 微震天 发表于 2018-4-13 19:27
天朝这沙尘雾霾,喘多了死得更早。 {:1_129:}这样啊,酒多的赶紧送我这来祸害我,0元到付吧 吓得哥赶紧抽根红塔山压压惊